Wednesday 24 November 2010

War and other news

I discovered they put 1,200 cops on the streets yesterday, and someone in charge said "Anyone who stands in our way will get run over."

Those are daunting words as I can't see the criminals going down without a fight.

It is a war, but it's a bit like the war on drugs, in that it appears there are many in charge who would benefit more if the status quo continues.

In other news, I have solved the motivation problem; coffee is what you need. I gave up tea upon arrival, along with lots of other things I knew I had no hope of getting and would have to swap for Brazilian foodstuffs instead. Being as I used to survive through a day with about eight cups of tea, it's a good job the stuff I'm drinking now is extra forte! I just down a few cups of the stuff and the emails and phonecalls start flying.

I have realised that it can be a lonely life freelancing, so some sort of rocket fuel is necessary to provoke action. My least favourite aspect of working in an office was always the politics. I don't know if it's similar in other lines of work (I suspect it is), but in the media it is almost a badge of honour that you took unneccessary grief in your career. It reminds me of those people who are ruthlessly beaten and bullied at school, and then go on to say "It made me who I am today" and mete out the same punishment to others. I never quite know if it's something I should have continued to tolerate or if the smart move was to get out and probably live a longer and happier life. Unless I get shot. Actually, scrap that, I'll take my chances here with the bandidos.

Off to surf again on Sat, as I'm desperate to master it. The hardest thing is being carried along by a rip current and having to constantly get out of the ocean, carrying your heavy board, and plunge back in again. I think if I was physically stronger it would be a lot easier. I have a few bruises too, but it is addictive. Each time a new wave comes, you just get taken over by the urge to conquer it. I sincerely hope my doing so coincides with the time I get a new USB port - and I can show photographic evidence.

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