Tuesday 23 November 2010

Stupid girlie post

I realised yesterday I was getting impatient at tourists who couldn't use the Metro. it's unfair of me, but on the other hand it means I must feel at home now.

Summer has really arrived, which means not just heat, but cloud and humidity which quickly turns to rain, which then evaporates in the heat, ad infinitum. I've found myself looking at clothes in luminous pink, majenta, turquoise. It all looks different in the glowing sun, as I never liked those colours when I was in England and milky white. I've given up trying to run on the beach, and now surfing lessons have taken the place of jogging. At least the Atlantic Ocean is always relatively cool.

Having to motivate myself is the biggest problem which has replaced the problems associated with working with people. Anyone I do work with is under no obligation to help me either. I can't count how long I've been trying to write the same story, but somehow never manage to arrange to meet the person I need to interview. Of course, people in offices aren't more likely to help, but at least if you work for the same company there is a chance.

The past few days, the place has been crawling with police. It;s thanks to a new wave of arrestoes, teh term for when a huge gang of criminals invades an area and causes mayhem, stealing and assaulting people. Yesterday, two people were killed when their cars were attacked. Now it seems to have launched a mass panic, with the Mayor Serge Cabral on telly and a bunch of officials meeting today to decide what to do. Even then, as I waited to get my motortaxi up the hill last night, a mode of transport which is technically illegal, a convoy of police cars were waiting at the bottom - and did nothing to stop the motortaxis carrying on with their work. I suppose they weren't attacking and shooting people, but even so.

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